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You are viewing Cheat Codes for East Front 2 System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2002-06-21 06:11:45 Views : 26292 Cheat : Upgrade your units in campaigns : This cheat will only work during game intermissions - when you have finished a game and wait to start a new one. 1. First you have to read/print the UNITEXT file in game directory. In this file each unit have a P-number. E.G the russians have P00014 for the T34/43 tank. 2. You must use Wordprint to open the file. 3. Read every units P-number and note the numbers of the units you wish to replace your games units. 4. Copy the XXXXXX(name of commander).CCD file to another directory 5. Delete all other files named the commanders name except for the XXXXXX.CCD file 6. Use Wordpad to open the present XXXXXX.CCD file 7. Replace any units P-number, that you wish to quit, with the wanted P-number, that you found in the UNITEXT file. 8. Save the edited XXXXXX.CCD file (still using Wordpad) in your game directory, and restore your game. In this way I have succeded to use masses of T44''s,T34/85, IS122m and IS3 right from the beginning of the German campaign against Russia´. GOOD HUNT Hint : Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more East Front 2 cheat codes.
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